Camp HOPE 2018
The San Joaquin County Family Justice Center is excited to participate in our 4th year of Camp HOPE!

Each summer, the San Joaquin County Family Justice Center Foundation covers the costs for kids from our community to attend Camp HOPE. Our kiddos, who have experienced trauma, learn they can strive for HOPE, are resilient, and can determine their own successful futures.
Our campers head to Lake Lopez on July 9th for a week of fun, adventure, learning, campfires, and HOPE!

To support the efforts of the San Joaquin County Family Justice Center, we invite you to donate via our website at:
send your check payable to the San Joaquin County Family Justice Center Foundation
San Joaquin County Family Justice Center
Attention: Suzanne Schultz, Program Manager
222 E. Weber Avenue, Room 202
Stockton, CA 95202
Should you need it for your records our Tax ID is #47-2291427.
We THANK you for your support!!